
Bags Bags Everywhere, Blog post 1

So I have a bag room...which may - to some - sound frivolous. But actually, I sell them - so it's not. But besides that, here's the thing. I'd rather be in my bag room than almost anywhere. I'd rather be there than sleeping, eating, watching TV. I can't believe that I've gotten this far and only just now created a bag room.

And then here's the other thing.

I'm wondering if I'm the only person who really feels this way. I mean - are there people who love little things in their life so much that they actually bring them joy? Not the joy that a child hitting the baseball against all odds brings, or a kitten shaking when she wakes up from a snuggly sleep, or the hard belly laughter that Dumb and Dumber leaves you with. But joy in the fun and happy way. Little things? Anyone?

I am not sure whether to be happy for myself that I've discovered and indulged this, or worried about my OCD. I'm lookin' for input people!

Hope your rainy Monday is filled with a little something to bring you joy.

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